May 29, 2012
Researcher of the month: Aditya Khanal

How to improve quality of education in IAAS?
You have come this far with your study. How it has changed you? How do you feel when you compare your study in IAAS if you study somewhere else? What changes do you think IAAS needs to to deliver better lectures (keep aside political discussion)? Do you have any idea to develop quality of education in IAAS? Share you stories, views, ideas, experience with us either on the comment below. Or on our Facebook discussion group or click here to rank from 0-10. Let us know your understanding. The University should propel our country.
May 28, 2012
Jatropha(सज्जिवन): Future energy crop in Nepal needs more study
In the global scenario where the world is going through energy and climate crisis, use of biofuel as alternative source of energy is extremely significant. The demand of oil, key fossil fuel, is increasing continuously while its extraction and supply is declining. It is estimated that these crude oil reserves will be depleted within 50 years at the present level of consumption (80 million barrels/day). On the other hand, the increased greenhouse gas emission due to the intense use of fossil fuel is creating a serious alarm. Burning fossil fuel alone is responsible for 70% of greenhouse gas emissions. It is projected that the greenhouse gas emission from fossil fuel will increase by 50% by the end of 2030. All these conditions have enhanced the global interest in the use of bio-fuel for energy security and environmental benefit.
May 16, 2012
के हो बौद्धिक सम्पति माथिको अधिकार??
बौद्धिक सम्पति माथिको अधिकार (Intelectual property right) को सुरुवात आविष्कारलाई उक्त आविष्कारले समाजमा पुर्याएको फाईदा बापत छोटो समयको लागि उक्त बस्तुको उत्पादन, वितरण वा अन्य व्यवसायको लागि दिईने एकाधिकार हो। बौद्धिक सम्पति धेरै प्रकारका हुन्छन जस्तै सूचना माथिको अधिकार, ग्रन्थ स्वत्व, पेटेन्ट, ट्रेड मार्क, ट्रेड-सेक्रेट, डिजाइन राइट र बालि प्रजनन कर्ताको अधिकार आदि।
'ग्रन्थ-स्वत' (Copy right) भन्नाले लेख, लेखन, संगित तथा चित्र चलचित्रबाट बिचारहरुको अभिब्यक्तिमथिको अधिकारलाई जनाउछ। 'पेटेन्ट' (Patent) भन्नाले कुनै पनि नयाँ बस्तु वा व्यवासायिक प्रविधिको आबिस्कारलाइ बुझिन्छ भने ट्रेडमार्क भन्नाले कम्पनीको आधिकारिक चिन्हलाई जनाउछ। 'ट्रेड-सेक्रेट' ( व्यावसायिक गोपनियता) ले व्यवसाय सम्बन्धि सुचनालाई जनाउदछ भने, 'वाली प्रजनन कर्ताको अधिकार' ले नयाँ, फरक र स्थाई गुण भएको नयाँ र उपयोगी जात निकाले बापत त्यसको वितरण र उत्पादनमा दिईने अधिकारलाई जनाउंछ।
मकै र आलुको नेपाल यात्रा
इतिहास यस्तो चिज रहेछ जसको जानकार हुनसके हाम्रो आम मानसमा रहेको अनेक अन्नुतरित प्रश्नहरुको उत्तर मिल्ने रहेछ। इतिहासको ज्ञान बेगर हामी सधैं जीवनक्रमको सानो कालखण्डमा सिमित हुने छौँ र समाजमा ज्ञानको अभावमा उब्जेका अनेकौं भ्रन्तिहरुमा जिउन बाध्य हुने छौँ। संसार सधैं यस्तो थिएन है भनेर पनि जान्नु अति नै आवस्यक हुन्छ, किनकि हामी भन्दा पहिला अनेकौं पुस्ताहरु यो संसारमा बाँचेर बिदा भै सके। आज हामीले अनुभव गरिरहेको समाज र यहाँको चाल-चलन संधै यस्तै नै थियो भन्ने सोच्नु मुर्खता हुन आउंछ। यसै कुराको उदाहरण स्वरूप लेखिएको हो यो खेस्रा।
May 15, 2012
About Us
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Why it is important that you share your knowledge and ideas with us? Simple: because we are accustomed to understand you better and for us you are the best person to collaborate with, whether you like it or not. It must be hereditary from our pre-successor that we are poor communicator. We have life changing ideas stuck in our heads and they are never going to be published in any of the world’s Journal. Calm down!! they are never going to publish it. That comes with a cost because we are never going to know it. OH MY GOD!! you do not believe that you could be carrying a life changing ideas inside you? This eats me up. In many occasions, we underestimate our intellectual standards and the leadership quality. Such an ignorant person we are, we become discontent finding ourselves at a receiving end. Still we wish to satisfy? There is no way to satisfaction unless we switch from being merely a follower to a path finder.
Well, the good news is that we are all just unsuccessful communicators working vibrantly in some extraordinary projects, with brilliant ideas. Who would not hire you? And why, should you never confine yourself to a geological preference. Now, when we have confirmed that we just lack communication with each other, we thought to come up with this blog where we share ideas, post problems and find a better place for discussion and conclude. We may ask personally for you views, we may come up with Skype talks with some of you, we want to select you as person of the week and write about your work and how it may affect our country etc. We may help to bring those life changing ideas from your head in scratches to the enthusiast for more discussion who, if not you, may make it happen. We are trying to create a wave across our intellectual community so that we can find a relatively common place for discussion about agriculture with implication to Nepal. We are aware that our country is not in good condition to support agriculturist and agriculture. Ironically, the basis of Neplaese prosperity lies in the very agriculture. Thus, it is our responsibility to unite ourselves and try to take most out of what we are left with. Ideas will make the country better place. You are the crucible of ideas. You know we are searching revolutionary one. Enjoy sharing.
Join our team!! Send us message for any information to Agriculture Corner agriculturecorner@gmail.com
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